Sunday, 5 January 2025

Video: Was the Tiger tank overengineered?

The term "overengineered" is used a lot when talking about German tanks, but what does it mean and is it really applicable? Check out my latest video where look at the T-34, Sherman, and Tiger tank designs through the eyes of an engineer.

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

2024 in Review

With 2024 coming to an end, it's time to look back on my achievements in military history over the course of the past year. 

2024 was a major year for books. Thanks to several release dates coinciding, I had quite a number of titles come out this year.

The first was Achtung Tiger: How The Allies Defeated Germany’s Heavy Tank. This book represents the culmination of over ten years of research that started not long before Tank Archives did. Some of that work went into a number of Tiger-related articles on this website, but most of what I uncovered lay dormant until the publication of this book. As traditional with titles written by the Military History Group, I sat down for a discussion with The Chieftain, which you can watch on Youtube. The book itself was also quite well received by the Panzermuseum Munster.

Monday, 16 December 2024

Armour vs Time

The battle of the sword and shield raged since time immemorial. The sword got an edge once, which led to the end of the era of knights clad in armour. However, history repeats itself, and the idea of armoured cars began to appear even before the First World War. The result of this was the tank, which over time became a fixture of the battlefield. Naturally, anti-tank weapons were created as soon as tanks became known. The battle of the sword and shield continued.

An example of changing requirements for tank armour. The FCM 2C had the thickest armour of any tank built during the First World War, but penetration trials conducted by the Germans in 1940 showed that this armour was weak by WW2 standards.

Armour powerful enough to resist cannon shells became a staple of all tanks only during the Second World War. It became clear in the fall of 1939 that bulletproof armour was not enough. At the same time, the idea of armour against shells appeared long before. Protection of tanks against something bigger than a bullet was obvious, but the nature of that something changed over time too, This is what we will talk about today.

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Video: Historically Accurate Panzer '46 - Heavy Tank M26 Pershing

The Americans were the first to get their next generation tank to the battlefield in 1945. How did it fare and what upgrades did they test out that could have been applied to the design had the war gone on for a little longer? Find out in my latest video.

Sunday, 24 November 2024

Tank Archives on the big screen

My reenacting group sometimes acts as extras in war movies, but we also decided to make our own! The audio is in Russian, but English subtitles are available.

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Track Bashing

 Changing tracks on T-34 and T-34-85 tanks at the Museum of National Military History

As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a light tank. Many operations that seem quite simple are actually very difficult to perform on a machine weighing several dozen tons. Many vehicles from the Great Patriotic War era were anything but light, and servicing them requires a lot of effort.

Changing tracks is a routine but difficult procedure.

The vehicles at the Museum of National Military History are not empty boxes, but rather fully functional military vehicles. This includes the museum's T-34 tanks. Both of them are used in various events. This involves swapping out the tracks from the stock ones to special parade tracks and back. This article will cover the details of this process.

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Tank Archives on Bluesky

Numbers don't lie, and the numbers haven't been in favour of my Twitter account for quite some time. Despite an increase in content, growth has plateaued and the effort hasn't been worth it. Fortunately with the latest Twitter exodus, there seems to be a new audience forming on Bluesky. Join me there!

Sunday, 3 November 2024

Video: Soviet Super-powered Tank Destroyers

 If the Maus or E-100 reached the battlefield during the Second World War, it would not be anywhere as invincible as it might have appeared. The Soviets had four prospective tank destroyers going through testing by the summer of 1945, each powerful enough to pierce its armour from a long range. Find out how and why in my latest video.

Thursday, 17 October 2024

A Paper Alternative to the Panzer IV/70

The performance of German armoured vehicles is often overestimated, particularly of those that remained on paper. It can be anywhere between interesting and sad to watch an attempt to turn a doodle on a napkin into an ultimate weapon that could have changed the balance of power. It is clear why this happened. The thing is that the first German documents to be declassified were the ones with the least value. These were the documents that saw the widest publication even though weapons prepared by other nations for 1945-46 had much more potential.

The "canonical" E-25. The cupola appeared here due to a mistake made by American intelligence.

The E-series is usually the main subject of these fantasies. However, a careful evaluation shows that these projects achieved very little. The E-100 superheavy tank was actually a resurrection of the Tiger-Maus, rejected back in late 1942. At least the E-100 ended up as an unfinished prototype. None of the other E-series projects made it even this far, including the E-25.

Friday, 4 October 2024

Video: T-54 in 1945

The T-54 is best known as a Cold War era tank, but if the war unfolded a little differently it could have seen battle in WW2. Check out my latest video to see when the T-54 was ready for battle and why it took so long to fight.