Thursday, 28 February 2013


Welcome to my blog! As some of you may already know, I post of the World of Tanks forums a lot. Mysteriously, a large amount of my content seems to disappear for some reason, despite all the effort I put in. So, in order for it to be left on the internet forever, I am going to put it up here. Despite my World of Tanks affiliation, this is not a blog about World of Tanks, so you will not find many posts, if any at all, related to that game.

The Wargaming Livejournallitl-bro, and Yuri Pasholok, post a large amount of historical documents, many of which contain very interesting information, but the vast majority of tank enthusiasts simply don't know enough Russian to be able to enjoy them! I will translate excerpts of documents I find interesting and post them here. If something in those links strikes your fancy, you can always request something in a comment. Documents from other sources may find their way to this blog as well.

The Russian World of Tanks website has a history section that has many overviews of tanks, battles, and doctrines. I will periodically translate them and post them here.