Saturday, 30 August 2014

Churchill Supplies

"To the Deputy Commissar of External Trade, comrade Krutikov

In Spring of this year, it was decided that England will supply the USSR with Mk-4 "Churchill" heavy tanks. As of November 9th, 1942, we have received 84 Churchill tanks.

According to a report of the former member of the Military Mission of the USSR in England, Engineer-Colonel comrade Kovalev, the English were told in February-March of 1942 that our Government agreed to receive 50 Churchill tanks in lieu of Matilda tanks. The English were informed that subsequent orders for Churchill tanks will depend on the performance of these tanks in combat.

The English themselves have supplied 25 tanks for trials. Despite the fact that these tanks have entered mass production, they have not had much experience in battle, and testing on our fronts was desired.

As a result of short term use in our units, several serious defects that decrease the tanks' combat ability have been discovered.

Therefore, I ask that you inquire about the approved number of Churchill tanks at our Military Mission in London and communicate the necessity of immediate correction of these defects.

The English have been told of these defects, and an Englishman, Captain Cox, was demonstrated them personally.

From our side, I am in agreement with the previous decision to order small amounts of Churchill tanks and deem it wise to withhold subsequent deliveries until the correction of defects can be confirmed. I attach a list of discovered defects.

Reply with your decision,
GABTU BTU Chief, Engineer-Colonel Afonin"

CAMD RF 38-11355-938

The list of defects is included in this article.

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