Wednesday, 9 March 2022

T-34 Improvements

 "Order of the People's Commissar of Tank Production of the USSR #230-M
June 12th, 1942

With the intention of further improvement of the quality of T-34 tanks and realization of decisions made at the technical meeting of factories #183, #112, and STZ, I order that:

  1. RE: air cleaners: factory #183 director comrade Maksarev must perform bench trials of a simplified Cyclone filter developed by the factory by July 15th and test it in a vehicle in road conditions by July 25th. Send a report to the NKTP by August 1st.
  2. RE: cooling system:
    1. Considering the positive results of trials of finned water radiators on the KV tank, factory #183 director comrade Maksarev must develop a finned water radiator for the T-34 tank and test it by August 1st, 1942. The results of trials and proposals are to be sent to the NKTP by August 14th of this year.
    2. STZ director comrade Zadorozhniy must test a T-34 tank with two oil tanks and no oil radiator (production) by June 15th, 1942, and a T-34 with two oil radiators and two oil tanks by June 20th. Send results to the NKTP by August 1st of this year.
  3. RE: gearbox: in order to test the quality of cast iron casings produced at STZ:
    1. Factory #183 director comrade Maksarev must conduct trials of two gearboxes with a reinforced cast iron casing. Trials must begin by July 1st and finish by August 1st. Report on the results of the trials must be sent to the NKTP by August 10th. To achieve this:
    2. STZ director comrade Zadorozhniy must provide two gearboxes with reinforced casings by July 1st.
  4. RE: electrical system: factory #112 director comrade Rubinchik must assemble a tank with a 24 V electrical system designed at factory #112 with corrections introduced by the NTKTP and complete trials by July 25th of this year.
  5. RE: track links: in carrying out NKTP order #435, conduct trials of track links produced at factory #183 and STZ, specifically:
    1. Factory #112 director comrade Rubinchik must carry out 1000 km trials of tanks with rubber rimmed wheels in positions 1 and 5 and steel rimmed wheels in positions 2, 3, and 4. Conduct trials according to the program developed by the 2nd department of the NKTP and approved by the GABTU. The results of trials are to be presented to the NKTP by July 15th of this year.
    2. Factory #183 director comrade Maksarev and STZ director comrade Zadorozhniy must deliver two sets of tracks each and all technical documentation (blueprints, casting process, heat treatment, etc) to factory #112 no later than June 20th of this year.
  6. Factory #183 director comrade Maksarev is to develop a cast rear axle for the T-34 hull (design and production process) and test it by August 15th, 1942. Deliver the report and proposals to the NKTP by August 25th of this year.
  7. Factory #183 director comrade Maksarev, factory #112 director comrade Rubinchik, and STZ director comrade Zadorozhniy must complete experiments related to other proposals made at the technical meeting by September 1st, 1942
  8. Deputy Chief of the 2nd Department of the NKTP comrade Ginzburg is responsible for completion of this order.
People's Commissar of Tank Production, Malyshev"

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