Friday, 22 July 2022

Ammunition Storage

June 9th, 1945

In accordance with your letter #843079s dated May 25th of this year, we present the following ideas regarding rational locations of ammunition in ammunition racks and painting of the racks with the goal of prevention of explosions.

For the SU-76

  1. Given 35 round of HE, 15 AP, and 10 APCR, place:
    1. 11 rounds of HE on the right side, 17 on the left side, 7 under the gun cradle.
    2. 15 rounds of AP in the upper bustle.
    3. 10 rounds of APCR in the lower bustle.
  2. All ammunition can be relocated by moving the lower four slots from the bustle rack to the left side and also shortening the seats by 10 cm, as it is difficult to retrieve the rounds from the lower bustle (see drawing #1).
  3. To prevent explosions, produce bins according to drawing #2 (labelled A, B, C).
  4. Paint the ammunition slots in the following way:
    1. HE: red
    2. AP: red with black stripe
    3. APCR: light green
      Paint should be applied to the exterior of the bustle doors. AP and APCR should be separated with a yellow line. For HE, paint all slots red and also paint the armour near which the ammunition is located.
For the SU-100

    1. Place HE rounds on the left and right sides of the fighting compartment.
    2. Ammunition most sensitive to shock should be kept closer to the engine compartment bulkhead, which will keep it away from the exterior walls.
    3. Install a folding metal lip with a spring to prevent the crew from kicking the fuses.
  1. Paint as follows:
    1. HE: red
    2. AP: red with a black stripe
    3. HEAT: black
For the ISU-122/152
  1. In order to reduce explosions, especially the more sensitive HE shells, it is reasonable to do the following:
    1. Store AP shells in the outer rows in the ISU-122. Store HE shells in the free slots in the front rows, but use them up first.
    2. There is no reason to paint the ammunition slots as the HE and AP shells are visually very different.
    3. Leave propellant casings where they are, but paint their slots: red with a black stripe for AP, red for HE.
  2. In the ISU-152 leave the ammunition where it is. Paint in the same way as for the ISU-122.
Chief of the Self Propelled Artillery Training Center, Major General Kasatkin
Chief of Staff of the Self Propelled Artillery Training Center, Colonel Yevgrafov"

CAMD RF F.38 Op.11369 D.517 L.132-133
Printed in Glavnoye Bronetankovoye Upravleniye Lyudi, Sobytiya, Fakty v dokumentakh, 1944-1945 p.544

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