Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Four Years of Blogging

Hello, everyone! It's been another year (technically two, since I forgot to do anything last year, oops). My blog continues to ramp up its readership, with 2,161,945 page views (compared to 879,901 last count) with 1381 published articles (up from 700). The demographics changed a little bit. The US is still at first place by a long margin, but the UK is neck to neck with Germany over second place. Russia, who used to be just barely hanging onto the top ten sprung up to a confident fourth, beating out Canada (still in fifth). Poland continues dropping, from fourth down to sixth. France is down from sixth to seventh, Austria and Finland switched places, a close race for eight place, and South Korea knocked the Netherlands off the charts to grab onto tenth place. 

World of Tanks related sites continue to dominate my referrer list, but organic searches are doing well too. My presence seems to have been felt on Reddit with more hits from video game and military history communities. I'm picking up steam in print media as well with citations in Armoured Champion and The Changing Nature of Warfare, 1859-1991: Perception and Reality. 

Content from Wargaming.net partner Warspot joined my traditional World of Tanks History Section lineup this year, bringing more bird's eye view coverage of various vehicles and weapons. I probably should have come up with a tag for them, but my oversight was corrected by my friends at the Tank and AFV News blog who dutifully keep a list of these translated articles.

Finally, there were some minor layout changes like collapsing long articles behind a "Read More" link and a wider content area to allow for "extra large" images and tables with readable font sizes! 

That's it for this year! Thank you for reading my blog and stay tuned for the big five year mark!


  1. Have been reading your blog over a year. Loving it!

  2. Congratulations. I read you blog every day. Thanks for all the (unpaid) work you do translating Soviet archives. I only hope you carry on expanding the site.

  3. Congratulations! Great work so far :)

  4. Congratulations! I really appreciate your bringing to light sources that I wouldn't otherwise have access to.

  5. Thank you for your work Peter! It would be great if you could make some more comparison post between Nazi anf Soviet documents. They have helpt me opening many very closed Germanophile minds.

  6. I really enjoy all of the articles that you publish! Keep up the good work.

  7. Peter, I look forward to looking at this post every day. Thank you so much for for providing it. Please more KV stories for those are my favorite Tanks of WW2. ��

  8. a day without archive awareness is a day without sunshine. thanks and keep on rolling :)
