Thursday 1 March 2018

MKb 42(H) First Appearance

I wrote about Sturmgewehr intel before, but here's an even earlier appearance:

"Main data:
  1. Automatic fire provided by gunpowder gases passing through the gas opening.
  2. The barrel locks via the bolt tilting.
  3. Uses a special shortened round, similar to the rifle ones.
  4. Range: up to 800 meters.
  5. Has a selector for automatic and single-shot fire.
  6. Equipped with a bayonet for hand to hand combat."
The intelligence brief reads:

"Carbine-machinegun MK-42

The model 1942 7.92 mm carbine-machinegun with a 30-36 round special magazine (uses shortened 7.92 mm rifle bullets) is carried on a strap affixed to the stock and across from the bayonet lug. It's easy to disassemble. Judging by the design, the magazine is also used as a foregrip (there is no sign of an attachable bipod). Externally, the gun is composed of the following parts:
  1. Barrel
  2. Front sight with safety
  3. Gas piston pipe
  4. Barrel shroud
  5. Rear sight
  6. Bolt
  7. Magazine
  8. Base with pistol grip and trigger guard
  9. Stock with an opening for accessories
The striker mechanism of the machinegun-carbine is composed of the following parts:
  1. Gas piston
  2. Operating slide
  3. Bolt base
  4. Bolt (there is a safety on the bolt plunger and a handle for pulling it back)
The bolt is composed of the following parts:
  1. Bolt case
  2. Extractor
  3. Firing pin
Judging by the design of the cooling system, it can be expected that the rate of fire and automatic qualities of the machinegun-carbine are not high."

Via biserg-1977

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