Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Spare Parts

"Order of the People's Commissar of Medium Machinebuilding of the USSR #320ss
July 12th, 1941

To ensure timely delivery of spare parts for KV and T-34 tanks to their destinations and reduction of tank repair times, I order that:
  1. Kirov factory director comrade Zaltsmann and Chelyabinsk Tractor Factory director comrade Shor must send a full set of parts with every 7 KV tanks according to attachments 1 and 2.
  2. Factory #183 director comrade Maksarev and Stalingrad Tractor Factory director comrade Dulkin must send a full set of parts with every 10 T-34 tanks according to attachments 3 and 4.
  3. Factory #75 director comrade Kochetkov must send a full set of parts with every 7 V-2K diesel engines sent to Kirov and Chelyabinsk factories and 10 V2-34 engines sent to STZ and factory #183 according to attachments #2 and 4.
    1. All parts and assemblies listed (section 1 of attachments) will be debited to the NKO parts list for the plan of the second half of 1941.
    2. Components and assemblies received by factories from subcontractors will be debited to the NKO by GABTU representatives.
  5. Begin equipping vehicles with spare parts immediately upon receiving this order.
Signed by S.A. Akopov on behalf of Deputy People's Commissar of Medium Machinebuilding of the USSR, V. Malyshev"

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