Thursday, 19 December 2019

New Machine Guns

"State Committee of Defense decree #6721s
October 14th, 1944
Moscow, Kremlin

On the production of modernized light infantry and tank Degtyaryev machine guns

In order to improve the fighting ability of light infantry and tank Degtyaryev pattern machineguns, the State Committee of Defense decrees that:

The People's Commissar of Armament comrade Ustinov and director of factory #2 comrade Fomin must prepare the tools and the manufacturing process for production of modernized light infantry and tank Degtyaryev machine guns before December 1st, 1944, and shift to production of the modernized  light infantry and tank Degtyaryev machine guns in December.

Chairman of the State Committee of Defense, I. Stalin"

The changes made to the machine guns are outlined in the draft attachment to the decree.

"To the Chairman of the State Committee of Defense, comrade I.V. Stalin

We present a draft decree of the Committee of Defense "On the production of modernized light infantry and tank Degtyaryev machine guns".

The following changes have been made to mass production DT machine guns:

  1. The return spring has been moved from under the barrel to a special frame.
  2. The bipod is reinforced and no longer removable.
  3. A pistol grip was introduced.
  4. The safety and stock were altered.
Trials at proving grounds and in the field show that the changes are positively received, as they have the following effect:
  1. The return spring is made more robust and it is possible to replace it without upsetting the aim.
  2. It is no longer possible to lose the bipod.
  3. The precision and accuracy of the gun are improved.
  4. It is easier to fire.
We ask you to review and approve the GOKO decree draft.

L. Beria
D. Ustinov
N. Yakovlev"


  1. Beria sure had his finger in a lot of pies. Came with the job I suppose.

    1. The NKVD had its own artillery design bureau and rifle divisions. It was a very far reaching organization.

    2. As I recall they even ran the fire brigades. Not too strange considering the kind of detailed knowledge of and access to diverse facilities firemen need just to do their jobs effectively and the pervasive (though not entirely unjustified) paranoia of the regime, but given everything ELSE the organisation did that comes across as comically incongruous.
