Monday, 10 October 2022

Heavy Guns vs KV-1


"XXXVIII Army Corps HW
Operational Department

Lempelevo, September 19th, 1941

RE: Experimental firing by Pz.Jg.Abt.563 against a Russian 52 ton tank (not reinforced).
1 diagram

18th Army HQ

Attached is the result of experimental firing against a Russian 52 ton tank (not reinforced) ordered by the corps HQ.

  • Gun: l.F.H.18
  • Ammunition: 10 cm Gr.39 rot (5th charge)
  • Range: 200 m
  • Results:
    • 1st shot to the side destroyed the road wheels.
    • 2nd shot to the turret ring jammed the turret. No penetration.
    • 3rd shot to the turret ring jammed the turret. No penetration.
    • 4th shot to the turret side penetrated about 5 cm, no complete penetration.
For the General Commander, Acting Chief of Staff, [Signature]"

"HQ Artillery Officer
Army HQ, September 22nd, 1941
RE: experimental firing at a 52 ton tank

The firing was conducted by commander of the Pz.Jg.Abt.563, Major Klar, former artilleryman. Major Konrad from XXXVIII Army Corps HQ also took part in the experimental firing. This was the non-reinforced 52 ton tank that was located on the Krasnoye Selo - Kipen road, 1 km eastward of Tilesi. Firing was conducted at 90 degrees. Shot #4 penetrated to a depth not of 5 cm, but about 7.5 cm, bending the armour without penetration.

Verbally from Major Konrad,
September 22nd, 1941

1 comment:

  1. What does "5th charge" refer to? Amount of propeller used?
