Sunday, 8 September 2013


Tanks, like any complicated devices, come with instruction manuals. However, if the tank is assembled in several different factories, some of which do not much care for it, the manuals can be, how shall I put it...lacking.

"To the senior military representative of the GAU KA at the factory #264, military engineer 2nd grade, comrade Suvorov,

The instruction manual for the combat use of the T-60 tank has many drawbacks. For example, it instructs that the ShVAK gun be disassembled inside the tank. This is possible, but takes a long time.
Additionally, several mechanisms from the TNSh gun described in the manual do not at all resemble existing ones.
Based on the above faults, this manual cannot be sent to the printers.
On April 8th, a manual for the TNSh gun will be released, and a copy will be sent to you.

Chief of the 4th department of BTU GABTU KA, military engineer 1st class Nenarokov
Aide of the chief of the 4th department of BTU GABTU KA, military engineer 3rd class Vasilevskiy"

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