Friday, 18 July 2014

Combined Arms

Cooperation between tanks and infantry is hard enough, but when planes come into the mix, you need to have your movements upon in order to avoid friendly fire. Here's one of these agreements.

"April 14th, 1945

Plan of cooperation between the 2nd Guards Assault Chernigov-Rechits Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division with the 3rd Shock Army and the 9th Tank Corps.

Ground forces task
Aviation task
Penetration of enemy defenses
3rd Shock Army units, under the cover of darkness, penetrate the first line of enemy defenses and reach the Ortwig-Wilhelmsaue-Marker 8.1 line.
Bombardment and ground attacks of artillery, mortars, and enemy personnel at points 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Fighting in close depth of enemy defenses
Infantry and supporting tanks destroy the enemy at close range, reaching the crossroads 1.5 km east of Sitzing, Letschin.
Aviation suppresses and destroys artillery, mortars, and enemy personnel in trenches: points 5, 6, 8.
Attack and penetration with the aid of the 9th Tank Corps
Units of the 3rd Shock Army continue to fight in depth of the enemy defenses, destroying his personnel and artillery batteries. The tank corps approaches the initial positions of the assault at Gross-Barhm, Haupt-Groben.
As the tank corps approaches its initial positions, bombers and ground attackers prepare the assault route by suppressing and destroying enemy artillery and personnel at the Alt-Trebbin, Neu-Trebbin, Sitzing line.
The tank corps deploys along the river Friedlandstrom.
Echeloned bombing and ground attack runs at the enemy 1 km west of the specified line.

The tank corps enters the forest 1 km west of Mendorf.
Bombers and ground attackers destroy the enemy at Schultzendorf, marker 73.2, Batzlow.

The tank corps reaches the Frankenvelde-Weihenow line.
Bombers and ground attackers destroy the enemy at Sternbeck, Hertzhorn, Predzel.


Destruction of enemy concentrations according to reconnaissance or Air Division commander's discretion in support of the 9th Tank Corps.

Reconnaissance in the interests of the 3rd Shock Army, 9th Tank Corps, and ourselves.

Constantly observe the battlefield.
From 7:30 to the end of the day

Establish the locations of field and AA artillery impeding the advance of our forces.

Discover concentrations of enemy tanks, their direction of movement, and their flanks.

Provide warning when the enemy deploys reserves to the battlefield.

Total sorties planned: 320. Of those 72 are for the 3rd Shock Army, 216 for the 9th Tank Corps, 32 for reconnaissance. 

  1. The commander of the 2nd Air Division is located at the observation post of the commander of the 3rd Shock Army with two radios, one SCR-284 to contact the aircraft directly, and one for communication with the Air Division HQ to send ground attackers to the battlefield.
  2. The 3rd Shock Army indicates its forward lines with a burst of white flares in the direction of the enemy.
  3. The "allied aircraft" signal will be determined on the day of the battle.
  4. Reconnaissance aircraft will warn of discovered enemy forces in the clear. Radios at the 3rd Shock Army and 2nd Air Division headquarters will be tuned in to their frequency."
CAMD RF 233-2356-776

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