Saturday, 12 July 2014


The articles in this section deal with battles, sorted by WWII theater, and then month. Battles not in WWII are grouped by war.

Tank ramming (various fronts and dates)
Tank stakeouts (various fronts and dates)

Eastern Front

25th Tank Corps in Poland (September 1939)
Battle of Raseiniai (June 1941)
Battle at Lipovka (September 1941)
Battle at Semenovka (September 1941)
Battle at Vasilievka (September 1941)
Battle at Mtenovka (September 1941)
Battle at Shtepovka (September-October 1941)
Battle at Bogoduhov (October 1941)
Battle at Belgorod (October 1941)
Tanks of the 54th Army (October-December 1941)
Battle at Volhov River (November 1941)
A-20 in combat (November 1941)
Bulba's BT ram (1941)
Toropetsk-Holmsk Offensive Operation (January-February 1942)
54th Army in combat (March 1942)
Baryshev's Breakout at River Mga (April 1942)
Battle of Stalingrad (July 1942-February 1943)
Element of Battle at Polunino (August 1942)
107th Independent Tank Battalion at Turyshkino (August 1942)
Operation Uranus (November 1942)
Battle at Workers' Village #6 (January 1943)
55th Army's Offensive Operation (March 1943)
Battle of Kursk (April-August 1943)
Battle of Prokhorovka (July 1943)
Panther's failed debut (July 1943)
Battle of Ponyri (July 1943)
Tank battle at Prokhorovka (July 1943)
Liberation of Kharkov (August 1943)
Battle at Chemodanovka (August 1943)
Defense of Chepovichi (December 1943)
Liberation of Odessa (March-April 1944)
Tigers of the 507th (May 1944)
Wyborg Offensive (June-August 1944)
Operation Bagration (June-August 1944)
Road to Magerov (July 1944)
196th Tank Regiment's captured Panther (July 1944)
Retaking Lvov (July-August 1944)
Losses in the Lvov-Sandomierz Operation and Belgorod-Kharkov Operation (July-August 1944)
Battle at Ogledow (August 1944)
Mortar vs tank (August 1944)
Defense of Tartu (September 1944)
Ferdinands at Nikopol (November 1944)
Neelov's IS-2 Standoff (second half of 1944-1945, precise date unknown)
3rd Army in Eastern Prussia (January-March 1945)
Fall of Berlin (April-May 1945)
Assault on the Reichstag (April-May 1945)
1st Guards Tank Brigade in Berlin (April-May 1945)

Transbaikal Front, Far East and Pacific Theater of Operations

Battle of Khalkin Gol (May 1939)
Battles for Burma Road (December 1941-July 1944)
Japanese anti-tank tactics in Manchuria (August 1945)
Soviet tanks quartered in the Far East (August 1945)
Soviet-Japanese War (Operation August Storm) (August-September 1945)

North Africa and Middle East

Western Front

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