Wednesday, 28 October 2015

T-60s for Moscow

"To comrade Stalin

I consider it necessary to switch 25-30 Moscow factories to the production of the T-60 tank at the cost of any other production barring rockets, AA gun shells, and 76 mm shells.

If we can use 2500-2700 machines at these factories, then we can produce 30-35 T-60 tanks per day by October 25th.

Despite the evacuation of Moscow's factories, I believe that these 2500 machines need to remain until the very last moment. I also believe that if it comes to that, the evacuation of the Kolomna factory must be delayed, as it produces T-60 hulls.

If you agree, please approve the attached decree.

V. Malyshev
October 9th, 1941"

"State Committee of Defense Decree $759ss
October 10th, 1941

The State Committee of Defense decrees that:
  1. Production of 30-35 T-60 tanks per day should be organized in Moscow by October 25th of this year.
  2. Comrade Malyshev is authorized to make the necessary decisions in order to carry out this decree.
  3. Comrade Malyshev is permitted to cancel any orders excluding rockets, AA shells, and 76 mm shells from Moscow factories (aside from NKAP, NKV, and NKB factories). 
  4. Peoples' Commissars comrades Efremov, Parshin, Kazakov, Kabanov, Sedin, Vakhrushev, Akopov, Mithokhin, Tevosyan, Kaplun, Arutyunov, Pekshev, Smiryayev, Letkov, the Mossovet and comrade Pronin must carry out comrade Malyshev's orders regarding T-60 production.
  5. It is forbidden to evacuate any equipment or workers connected to T-60 production without permission from the GKO.
  6. The Moscow Oblast Committee, comrades Sherbakov, Popov, and Chernousov must provide daily help in the execution of this decree.
  7. This decision is of paramount importance for the defense of Moscow."
Via gistory.

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