Monday, 15 August 2016

Iron Discipline

"Translated from German
2nd Tank Army HQ
April 19th, 1942

Daily Army Orders #22

Transfer orders

Transfer orders between types of forces and units purely out of personal interest reached unacceptably high levels.
I ask units to strictly check all such requests and consider if they reflect the interests of the army. Decline any requests for transfers that are unfounded and arise from personal gain for specific individuals. Only elevate requests for further review if it is clear that the transfer is in the interest of the armed forces.
Voluntary transfers into active units are exempt from this order.

Losses of train cars as a result of fires

The military railroad directorate reports of repeated instances where train cars were used by military units and burned up because fires were not extinguished. It is imperative that when leaving a train car, all fires must be put out in order to avoid losses of precious equipment.

Losses of cars
  • What unit had car #702767 in January of 1942? Report to the HQ of the 2nd Tank Army, auto transport department.
  • On March 28th, 1942, in Roslav, next to the technical officer's post, a captured Russian 1.5 ton Ford truck #475675 with tactical number 07540A/4, loaded with spare parts and personal belongings, was stolen.
    Report any information to the HQ of the 53rd Army Corps.

On March 31st, 1942, a bag was stolen from Lieutenant Pont's of 7th Company, 18th Tank Regiment from car #261266 in Zhizdre. The bag was filled with personal belongings, collection of army orders, old orders and receipts, six awards for tank battles, and "All-Army News". 
Report any information to the 2nd Squadron of the 18th Tank Regiment.

  1. A wallet with 34 marks was found in Sloboda on March 26th, 1942. Pick it up at the office of the 331st Infantry Regiment.
  2. A bag was found on the Zhizdra-Lyudinovo highway containing letters for Obergefreiter Franz Szuki, field post #39049. Pick it up at the 339th Infantry Division's quartermaster's office.
  3. A personal identification mark #90 of the 1st company of the reserve battalion of the 63rd Infantry Regiment was found. Pick it up at the 2nd Tank Army HQ, 2nd department.
  1. A murdered NCO was found behind a house in Kasminka (17 km east of Bolkhov) on January 8th, 1942. His height is 175-180 cm, slender, oval face with wide cheekbones, light hair with a reddish tint, wedding ring on his right hand. Send relevant information to the 25th Motorized Division through the 53rd Army Corps.
  2. Gefreiter Babel went missing on March 9th, 1942 (when the Russians burst into Pechenkinko). born 1909. Personal identification mark: 3rd battery, 4th Light Reserve Artillery Squadron (motorized) #452. Report to field agency #30099B.
  3. Where is Obergefreiter Herbert Saltz, 1st company, 15th Motorized Regiment? Born on October 28th, 1919 in Bad Wildungen, personal identification mark 1st company, 15th Reserve Motorized Battalion #177. Transferred on April 1st from his unit to Orel, lightly wounded medical center #703, and has not returned to his place of service. Report to #02355B.
  4. What unit buried jager Peter Kune in early October of 1941? Born on February 26th, 1923, personal identification mark #72, 1st company, 156th Reserve Motorized Battalion. Presumably, Peter Kune died on September 30th at Oltara. Report to #25139A.
  5. Since December 22nd, 1941, the following members of 5th company, 18th Tank Regiment have gone missing:
    1. NCO Helmut Kort, born on February 11th, 1917, personal identification mark #118 2nd company 2nd TR.
    2. Obersoldat Gunther Schtichling, born on April 15th, 1923, personal identification mark #1-5144, 4th company of the reserve tank battalion.
    3. Soldat Adolf Wener, born on June 7th, 1921, personal identification mark #4-15, 2nd company of the reserve tank battalion.
      Report to #00912.
  6. On April 4th, 1942, Obergefreiter Werner Gustav has gone missing, 6th company, 519th Infantry Regiment, born on June 6th, 1919 in Berlin, personal identification mark of the reserve bicycle squadron (9th Reserve Reconnaissance Group) #27. Last seen in Mitrokhin and Anninna.
    Report to #06026C.
Acting Tank Army HQ Chief, Colonel and HQ Chief [signature]
Captured near Khmelevo (50 km south of Bryansk) in late May of 1942
Translated by Military Translator, Technician-Intendant 1st Grade, Revina."

Via gistory.

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