Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Stuart Commander

"Award Order
  1. Name: Karev, Yuriy Nikiforovich
  2. Rank: Major
  3. Position, unit: commander of the 258th Independent Tank Battalion, Northern Group, Transcaucasian Front
    is nominated for the Order of the Red Star.
  1. Year of birth: 1910
  2. Nationality: Russian
  3. In the Red Army since: 1932
  4. Party affiliation: VKP(b) member since 1941
  5. Participation in battles: Mozdok since September 5-24th, 1942
  6. Wounds or contusions: none
  7. Previous awards: none
Brief and specific description of personal heroism or achievements: Comrade Karev, as a good commander, was promoted to the position of a tank battalion commander. Despite the brief period of fighting, thanks to proper organization of cooperation with other branches, personal examples set in battle, and proper placement of forces, he managed to achieve significant success in the destruction of German invaders.

During fighting at Mozdok, the battalion, acting together with infantry, destroyed: 32 tanks, 21 field guns, 4 ammunition transports, and up to 400 soldiers and officers. Active attacks of the battalion against the enemy front lines allowed infantry to move forward and take a hill. A group of submachinegunners that made it into our defenses was completely destroyed. 

Thanks to the personal heroisms of comrade Karev, who is always ahead of the soldiers and commanders, sparing neither his strength nor life, acted excellently in battle.

Under enemy fire, comrade Karev evacuated a knocked out tank from the battlefield with his tank.

He is worthy of the Order of the Red Star.

Deputy Commander of the Northern Group Armoured Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Titov
Military Commissar of the Armoured Forces, Battalion Commissar Karasev
October 3rd, 1942"

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