Wednesday, 24 January 2018

IS-1 (Object 237) Characteristics

"Tactical-technical characteristics of the IS tank
  1. Full combat weight: 43-44 tons
  2. Crew: 5
  3. Armour
    1. Front: at least 120 mm thick, cast
    2. Side: at least 90 mm thick, rolled
    3. Floor and roof: at least 20 mm thick, rolled
    4. Rear: at least 60 mm (at an angle of 45 degrees), rolled
    5. Turret: at least 100 mm, cast
  4. Armament:
    1. 85 mm gun with AA gun ballistics
    2. 3 DT machineguns, one coaxial, one in the front hull, operated by the driver, one in the rear of the turret (doubles as AA machinegun).
    3. 2 submachineguns
  5. Ammunition:
    1. At least 60 85 mm rounds
    2. At least 3000 machinegun rounds
    3. At least 500 submachinegun rounds
    4. At least 25 F-1 grenades
  6. 600 hp V-2K engine with an inertial starter
  7. Top speed of 35-37 kph
  8. 500 kg capacity of main fuel tanks
  9. Transmission: mechanical, normal type, with a planetary turning mechanism instead of friction clutches. Planetary final drives.
  10. Observation devices:
    1. Commander's observation cupola with triplex observation devices in the sides and an English periscope in a rotating hatch.
    2. 3 triplex observation devices: 1 for the driver and two in the sides of the turret.
    3. 3 English type periscopes, of them:
      1. 2 for the driver
      2. 1 for the loader in the turret
  11. Communication equipment:
    1. External: 10R radio in each tank.
    2. Internal: intra-tank communication device
  12. Turret ring diameter: at least 1800 mm.
GBTU Chief, Lieutenant-General of the Tank Forces, Vershinin
GBTU Tank Department Chief, Engineer-Colonel Afonin
May 4th, 1943"

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