Monday, 1 April 2019

The New T-34

"Decree #428ss of the State Committee of Defense of the Council of Commissars of the USSR
November 19th, 1940
Moscow, Kremlin

On changes and additions to the tactical-technical requirements of KV, T-34, and T-40 tanks
On the T-34 tank, in addition to tactical-technical requirements approved by Committee of Defense decrees #45ss on February 27th, 1939, and #443ss on December 19th, 1939, introduce the following changes and additions:
  1. The total mass of the T-34 tank is limited to 26 tons.
  2. The approved armament of the T-34 tank is the 76 mm L-11 gun with the coaxial DT machinegun in the tank's turret, a second DT for the radio operator, and one submachinegun (PPD) in the turret to fire from hatches. Begin arming the T-34 tank with the F-34 gun starting with January 1st, 1941.
  3. The approved ammunition capacity is:
    1. Rounds for the 76 mm gun: at least 100
    2. Rounds for the DT: at least 4500
    3. Rounds for the PPD: at least 500
    4. Hand grenades: at least 25
  4. Armour: establish the following thicknesses and slopes:
    1. Driver's cabin: 45 mm at 30 degrees
    2. Front plate: 45 mm at 57 degrees
    3. Vertical sides: 45 mm at 0 degrees
    4. Sloped sides: 40 mm at 40 degrees
    5. Rear sloped plate and lower plate: 40 mm at 45-47 degrees
    6. Floor in the front part: 20 mm
    7. In the rear part: 16 mm
    8. Fighting compartment roof: 20 mm
    9. Engine compartment roof: 16 mm
    10. Turret sides: 45 mm at 30 degrees
    11. Turret bustle floor: 20 mm
    12. Turret roof: 20 mm
      The gun mantlet and final drive armour must offer equivalent protection to that of the hull.
  5. Install the V-2-K 600 hp diesel on the T-34 tank.
    The cooling, lubrication, and fuel systems must allow the tank to operate for 10-12 hours of nonstop motion in any conditions and temperatures ranging from -40 to +40 degrees C.
    The air filter must guarantee air purity of 95% during 10-12 hours of operation without cleaning.
    The diesel engine can be started with either the electric starter, the inertial manual starter, or the compressed air starter without leaving the tank. The fan must reliably cool the engine and work until the tank is sent for refurbishment.
  6. To improve the conditions of the gun crew and improved control of the tank, widen the turret without widening the turret ring and add a commander's cupola with all-round vision.
  7. The ammunition racks of the T-34 tank must be comfortable to use and provide the crew with a rate of fire of up to six aimed shots per minute while moving. The gun elevation angle is 35 degrees and gun depression angle is -5 degrees.
  8. The driver's observation devices must show both fenders of the tank, block bullets and splash, be quickly replaceable if damaged, and be easy to clean from dust, snow, and mud. In order to improve the driver's vision while driving, add an additional observation device, while resolving the feasibility of leaving the driver's front hatch. Install side observation devices (one per side) that are easy to use for the driver and radio operator.
  9. Install the KRSTB radio in the front of the tank, leaving the possibility of installing the 71-TK-3 radio. Use a whip antenna that can be collapsed along the side of the tank. The intercom supports three crewmen (commander, driver, radio operator).
  10. Reserve the ability to install a flamethrower with a range of at least 90 meters and capacity for at least 10-12 shots.
  11. The T-34 must be able to run for at least 7000 km between refurbishments. The main clutch and final drive clutches must work reliably in any road conditions without deformation of the disks. Adjustment of transmission components should be done no more frequently than every 1000 km. The warranty period of the running gear (track links, pins, road wheels, drive sprocket, etc) must be at least 3000 km.
    Make the drive sprocket the lantern-gear type and retain the ability to install grousers.
Factory #183 must introduce these additions and alterations to the T-34 design by February 1st, 1941.

The NKSM and NKO must present the Committee of Defense with their ideas about producing a T-34 tank with a torsion bar suspension by January 1st, 1941.
Chairman of the Committee of Defense, K. Voroshilov
Secretary of the Committee of Defense, M. Pugayev"

1 comment:

  1. article about T-34: that's good, because I have interesting information about Soviet tanks. On one Polish internet forum I found informaton about test which can be described "how many people can get into tank". And in this test, 16 people can get into T-34-85, 7 can get into T-54 (or T-55), and 3 people can get into T-72. In my opinion that's mean that exist tendency on Soviet tanks which can be described "younger Soviet tank, smaller useless space inside tank".

    And in this article I see some information about small arms: that's good, because some time ago I wrote about tracer calours in Warsaw Pact. And today I think that most WP tracer ammo use red colour. I found information abour red colour in Polish Kalashnikov manual from 60ties, in Polish ZPU-2 manual, and in Polish marksman manual (SVD user). I also put on my blog Stefan Kotsch opinion, which suggest that NVA use red tracers (I have Stefan Kotsch permision).
