Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Book Announcement

I mentioned this in my annual update, but I'm writing a book! Or, rather, I have written a book, and am currently in the final stages of neatly arranging everything and sending it off to the publisher. However, preorders are already open! Head on over to Morton's to reserve a copy, or wait until it becomes available on Amazon or wherever you buy your books.

Cover art by Piotr Forkasiewicz.

Description of the contents:
  • Chapter 1: overview of Soviet tank design, development of requirements for the BT-20 as a result of experience gained in the Spanish Civil War.
  • Chapter 2: Development and trials of the A-20 and A-32 tanks.
  • Chapter 3: Development and trials of the A-34 tank.
  • Chapter 4: Mass production and design changes of the T-34, trials of production tanks.
  • Chapter 5: Delivery and service of T-34 tanks in 1940 and the first half of 1941.

Update: Morton's confirmed that there will indeed be a digital version.


  1. I am hoping this won't be the first! Your work here has been a much-needed counterpoint to what I, and most Westerners, learned about Soviet hardware specifically and WWII on the Eastern front in general.

    1. Duh, I meant "your last!".

    2. Hopefully not. I'm already planning a book about the Sherman tank in the Red Army.

  2. Sounds excellent. Will there be a kindle (or other ebook) version? Constraints on physical shelf space make that my prefered format these days.

    1. That's the #1 question right now. I asked the publisher, we'll see.

    2. The publisher confirmed that there will be an ebook version.

  3. How many pages does it have ? Is there some sort of summary of the contents ? Thanks.

    1. Currently there are 99 pages of text in a regular Word doc. I don't know how many pages there will be in the final layout.

      The book is split up into following sections:

      Chapter 1: overview of Soviet tank design, development of requirements for the BT-20 as a result of experience gained in the Spanish Civil War.
      Chapter 2: Development and trials of the A-20 and A-32 tanks.
      Chapter 3: Development and trials of the A-34 tank.
      Chapter 4: Mass production and design changes of the T-34, trials of production tanks.
      Chapter 5: Delivery and service of T-34 tanks in 1940 and the first half of 1941.

  4. Amazon is estimating an available date of February 2020. Please let us know when your publisher has a firmer estimated release date. Thanks.
