Tuesday 19 November 2019

Detailed Trials

"Approved by the Commander of Artillery of the 38th Army, Major-General of Artillery Likhachev
June 31st, 1944

Plan of firing trials demonstrating penetration ability against enemy T-4 and Panther tanks held by the 9th Guards Independent Kiev Order of Lenin Order of the Red Banner Tank Destroyer Artillery Brigade of the Supreme Command Reserve, as an element of the 38th Army

Held on June 4th, 5th, and 6th, 1944

Objective of the firing trials demonstration:
  1. To illustrate to the NCO and private ranks the effectiveness of various types of shells fired from domestic weapons against enemy tanks.
  2. To establish the penetration of weapons and the best distance from which to fire.
  3. To inspire confidence in the power of our artillery against tanks.
  4. To demonstrate the weak points of enemy tanks.
  5. The demonstrate the effectiveness of dense fire of the small arms of an anti-tank battery against enemy submachinegunners that are advancing on the observation post.

Conditions of firing
  1. Firing is done from guns of all calibers that are used within the army to fire on tanks using: subcaliber, AP, AP-T, HE, HEAT rounds.
  2. The ranges of firing are 800, 500, and 400 meters. Fire is aimed at the front and side of the tanks with the same guns.
  3. Firing from small arms is performed against targets placed 100-150 meters from the observation post, outlined by platoons from the 328th and 330th Guards Order of the Red Banner Tank Destroyer Artillery Regiments.
Weapons firing at the tanks:
  1. 122 mm model 1938 howitzer: 2 from 829th Artillery Regiment, 121st Rifle Division
  2. 76 mm model 1943 regimental gun: 1 from 878th Rifle Regiment, 121st Rifle Division
  3. 76 mm ZIS-3 divisional gun: 2 from the 328th Regiment, 9th Brigade
  4. 57 mm ZIS-2: 1 from 330th Regiment, 9th Brigade
  5. 45 mm gun model 1942: 1 from the 557th Independent Tank Destroyer Artillery Battalion, 121st Rifle Division
  6. 76 mm model 1927 regimental gun: 1 from the 121st Rifle Division
  7. An anti-tank rifle squad and a grenadier squad from the 121st Rifle Division
Ammunition used:
  1. 122 mm: two rounds of each type to fire at the front and side from 400 meters
  2. 76 mm regimental: two rounds of each type to fire at the side from 400 meters
  3. 76 mm divisional: two rounds of each type to fire at the front and side from 800 meters with AP, HEAT, and HE shells and 500 meters with APCR
  4. 57 mm: two rounds of each type to fire at the front and side from 800 meters with all types except APCR. APCR is fired from 500 meters.
  5. 45 mm: two rounds of each type to fire at the side from 400 meters.
Only artillery of the 121st Rifle Division fires from 400 meters. 

To supply the infantry attack demonstration the following is issued:
  1. 15 rifle rounds per rifle for training and 20 for the exercise.
  2. One PPSh disk for training and two disks for the exercise.
  3. Two LMG disks for training and two for the exercise.
  4. One HMG belt for training and two for the exercise.
  1. First the weapons fire from 500 and 800 meter lines. Then the 121 Rifle Division artillery fires from 400 meters. The infantry attack is demonstrated last.
  2. The 328th and 330th Guards Order of the Red Banner Tank Destroyer Artillery Regiments prepare a platoon each to demonstrate how to repel an attack of submachinegunners with small arms.
  3. The exercise is directed by: from the south side, commander of the 328th Regiment Guards Lieutenant-Colonel Tereshenko, from the north-west side commander of the 330th Regiment Guards Lieutenant-Colonel Kremin.
  4. To show the hit on the tanks, one officer each from the 238th and 330th Regiments should be in the vicinity of the tanks.
  5. Major Kaflapov is responsible for the artillery of the 121st Rifle Division.
As a result of the trials, ascertain:
  1. Effectiveness of different calibers and types of shells.
  2. The best range from which to fire at tanks and their weak points.
  3. Penetration of the 45, 57, 76 mm regimental, 76 mm divisional guns, and 122 mm howitzers.
Commander of the Brigade, Guards Lieutenant Colonel Kovanov
Chief of Staff, Guards Major Panisyuk"

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