Thursday, 16 January 2020

Night Vision Conclusions

"Conclusions on night driving devices for the T-34

The devices for driving tanks at night did not prove themselves.
  1. The field of view is weak.
  2. Only vertical objects are well defined. Terrain and horizontal objects are nearly invisible.
  3. Vision range is short.

A lot of improvement work needs to be done. The devices are not yet suitable for night driving, especially in nighttime attacks.

All materials regarding trials are with Lieutenant Colonel Dorofeev and Engineer-Colonel Afonin of the GABTU.

The devices themselves were destroyed during a breakout, which was documented.

Commander of the 16th Guards Tank Brigade, Hero of the Soviet Union Guards Colonel Filippenko
April 21st, 1943"


  1. "during a breakout, which was documented". Nightvision was used in battle?

    1. I don't think it was used in battle. As far as I'm aware, there were two separate devices: one for nighttime driving, one for nighttime shooting. Only the driving device was fielded.
