Thursday, 27 February 2020

Mongolian Regiment

All aid provided by foreign governments to the USSR is usually lumped under the term Lend Lease, but this is inaccurate. A significant amount of aid came from other sources, such as Mongolia. One of the contributions was money to build the "For Revolutionary Mongolia" tank column consisting of 32 T-34 and 21 T-70 tanks. These tanks went to the 112th Order of the Red Banner Tank Brigade.

In addition to the inscription along the base of the turret reading "Revolutionary Mongolia", each tank also had a customized inscription.

The tanks are T-34s unless otherwise stated.
  1. From the Arats of the Central Aimag
  2. From the Arats of the East Aimag
  3. From the Arats of the Kenteysk Aimag
  4. From the Arats of the Selenginsk Aimag
  5. From the Arats of the Bulgan Aimag
  6. From the Arats of the Arkhangai Aimag
  7. From the Arats of the Dzapkhyn Aimag
  8. From the Arats of the Ubsanur Aimag
  9. From the Arats of the Kobdoss Aimag
  10. From the Arats of the Bayan-Hongore Aimag
  11. From the Arats of the Zhabhailant-Sharbinsk Aimag
  12. From the Arats of the East Gobi Aimag
  13. From the Arats of the South Gobi Aimag
  14. From the Arats of the Middle Gobi Aimag
  15. From the Arats of the Gobi-Altai Aimag
  16. From the Arats of the Bayan-Ölgii Aimag
  17. From the Arats of the Kosogol Aimag
  18. From the Arats of the Övörkhangai Aimag
  19. From the Workers of Ulan-Bator
  20. From the Workers and Public Servants of the Choibalsan Manufacturing Plant Group
  21. From the Coal Workers of the Mongolian People's Republic (T-70)
  22. From the Medical Workers of the Mongolian People's Repubic (T-70)
  23. From the Public Education Workers of the Mongolian People's Republic (T-70)
  24. From the Border Guards of the Mongolian People's Republic
  25. From the Partisans of the Mongolian People's Republic (T-70)
  26. From the Youth Revolutionary Union of the Mongolian People's Republic
  27. From the Soldiers and Commanders of the Army of the Mongolian People's Republic
  28. From the Intelligentsia of the Mongolian People's Republic (T-70)
  29. Sükhbaatar
  30. Choibalsan
  31. From the Manufacturing Cooperative of the Mongolian People's Republic (T-70)
  32. From the Workers of the Mongolian Cooperative Union (T-70)
  33. From the People's Militia of the Mongolian People's Republic
  34. From the Soviet Citizens in the Mongolian People's Republic
  35. From the Arts Workers of the Mongolian People's Republic (T-70)
  36. From the Citizens of China Living in the Mongolian People's Republic (T-70)
  37. From the Council of Ministers of the Mongolian People's Republic
  38. From the Central Committee of the Party of the Mongolian People's Party
  39. From the Little Khural of the Mongolian People's Republic
  40. From the Workers of State Owned Enterprises of the Mongolian People's Republic (T-70)
  41. From the Pioneers and Schoolchildren of the Mongolian People's Republic (T-70)
  42. From the Women of Mongolia (T-70)
  43. From the Women of the Soviet Colony in Mongolia (T-70)
  44. Mongolian Chekist (T-70)
  45. Bumtsende
  46. Khatanbaatar Magsarjav
  47. Arat (T-70)
  48. From the Professional Unions of the Mongolian People's Republic (T-70)
48-53: no name given. (all T-70s)

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