Tuesday, 17 June 2014

World of Tanks: Today in History: Birth of the RKKA Mechanized Forces

On June 17th, 1929, the decision was made by the Revolutionary Military Council of the Soviet Union to organize an experimental mechanized unit, the aim of which was to study the application of tanks as their own type of force, and the development of tactics, both for individual application and in cooperation with infantry and cavalry.

The initiator of this decision was V.K. Triandafillov, a famous Soviet military theorist. He is called the father of the Soviet operational art. His works laid the foundations of Deep Battle and explored the influence of the preliminary period and early war on the course of the entire conflict.

According to this decision, an armoured regiment was created, commanded by V.B. Kalinovskiy. This unit performed trials in various combat exercise situations, practicing tactical maneuvers for armoured and mechanized forces. Later, this regiment was expanded into the 1st Mechanized Brigade.

The June 17th decree was one of the foundations of the Directorate of Mechanization and Motorization. The function of this directorate was the formation, mobilization, technical and combat preparations, teaching, and service in the mechanized forces of the RKKA.

Original article available here.

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