Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Biggest Gun, Best Gun

The desire to put bigger and bigger guns on mobile chassis is understandable, but what happens when your chassis can't handle the weight? You bolt another one to it, of course!

"305 mm howitzer on self propelled tracked mounts
  1. Caliber: 305 mm
  2. Shell mass: 330-465 kg
  3. Muzzle velocity: 410-530 m/s
  4. Maximum range: 16.5 km
  5. Recoil resistance: 200 tons
  6. Bore axis height: 2500 mm
  7. Elevation range: 40-70 degrees
  8. Horizontal precision aiming arc: 8 degrees
  9. Combat mass: 70 tons
  10. Artillery unit mass: 25 tons
  11. Transporter with barrel: 35 tons
  12. Transporter with mount: 35 tons
  13. Time to combat readiness: 20 minutes
  14. Speed and off-road performance are identical to the T-34 tank.

  1. Caliber: 210 mm
  2. Shell mass: 135-155 kg
  3. Muzzle velocity: 753-808 m/s
  4. Maximum range: 30 km
  5. Recoil resistance: 80 tons
  6. Bore axis height: 2500 mm
  7. Elevation range: -5 to 45 degrees
  8. Horizontal precision aiming arc: 8 degrees
  9. Combat mass: 70 tons
  10. Artillery unit mass: 25 tons
  11. Transporter with barrel: 35 tons
  12. Transporter with mount: 35 tons
  13. Time to combat readiness: 20 minutes
  14. Speed and off-road performance are identical to the T-34 tank."


  1. Shifting gears in that would've been great fun for driver/drivers...

  2. How can that turn? Is the connection of the chassis flexible, like trains'?

    1. It does not need to turn, it will drive straight to Berlin

    2. It can't. In transit, the two chassis halves drive separately. In combat, you're stuck with the 8 degree arc.

    3. oh...I see..This gun..will be a hit straight to Berlin...but in combat terms...It needs more details..but..this is good information.
