Friday, 11 September 2015

Repairing Captured Tanks

"State Committee of Defense Decree #2941ss
February 24th, Moscow, Kremlin
On the repair of captured tanks in Stalingrad, Voronezh, and Don regions.

On the use of captured tanks that can be repaired, the State Committee of Defense decrees that:
  1. The responsibility for restoration and repairs of captured tanks in the Stalingrad, Voronezh, and Don regions is given to the Chief Directorate of Tank Repair in the NKTP.
  2. The Chief Directorate of Tank Repair (comrade Goreglyad) must organize repair bases for captured tanks in the regions where their concentration is highest, primarily around Stalingrad (Sarepta, Zimovniki, Kotelnikovo, Kalach).
  3. Allow the Chief Directorate of Tank Repair to disassemble into assemblies, components, and individual parts tanks that cannot be restored, and then use those assemblies, components, and individual parts for repair of other captured tanks that can be restored.
  4. The Directorate of Captured Armament (comrade Shimonovskiy) must:
    1. Transfer all captured tank parts to the Chief Directorate of Tank Repair.
    2. Perform inventory of captured tanks in the vicinity of Stalingrad, Sarepta, Kotelnikovo, Zimovniki, Tatsinskaya, Surovikino, Kalach, Kachalino, and send these records to the Chief Directorate of Tank Repair by March 10th, 1943.
      All captured tanks that can be repaired are to be evacuated, concentrated in the aforementioned regions, and guarded until transferred to the Chief Directorate of Tank Repair of the NKTP.
  5. The Chief Directorate of Tank Repair of the NKTP must return 10 repaired captured tanks without armament to the Directorate of Captured Armament in April of 1943 to be used as tractors.
  6. Count every captured tank that is repaired by the NKTP as a new tank. Count every three captured tanks that are repaired by the NKTP as two new tanks.
  7. GBTU (comrade Vershinin) must send 25 men specializing in repairs of foreign tanks by March 1st, 1943 to the Chief Directorate of Tank Repair.
  8. Leave the NKTP's mobile tank repair base, formed according to GOKO decree #2887ss issued on February 14th, 1943. Leave all personnel currently assigned to that repair base. 
Deputy Chair of the State Committee of Defense, V. Molotov"

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