Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Experimental Heavy SPGs

"122 mm A-19 SPG on the chassis of a SU-152 SPG
Kirov factory and factory #172
  1. History of the project: when the production of the SU-152 began, the Artillery Committee decided to produce a 122 mm SPG by installing an A-19 gun in the SU-152 mount. In order to do this, the regional engineer of factory #172 was allotted one oscillating part of an A-19 gun with a 122 mm barrel, in accordance with the request made by the Kirov factory.
  2. Progress: currently the Kirov factory is installing the oscillating part of the gun into a SU-152 SPG and is working on an ammunition rack. A prototype should be ready by May 10th of this year.
203 mm self propelled howitzer on the KV-1S chassis
Kirov factory and factory #172
  1. The plenum of the Artillery Committee decided on April 15th, 1942, to develop a technical project for a self propelled Br-2 gun on the KV-1S chassis. Based on experience in constructing SPGs in 1942 and 1943, it was discovered that it's possible to install the B-4 howitzer into a semi-enclosed SPG on the KV-1S chassis.
    Kirov factory and factory #172 made an agreement with the 16th Department of the Artillery Committee to develop this project. Both factories are working in parallel."

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