Friday, 27 November 2015

Friend or Foe

"April 20th, 1945


To all commanders of formations, units, and squads
Stavka directive #11073

Due to the possibility of a meeting between Soviet and Anglo-American forces in the near future, an agreement with Allied Command was reached regarding identification of Soviet and Anglo-American forces:
  1. Soviet forces (infantry, tanks, aviation) identify themselves with a burst of red signal flares. In addition to flares, Soviet tanks are marked with a white stripe on the side turret and a white cross on top. The stripe and cross must be 25 cm wide. Do not apply these markings to all tanks, but only leading ones that are most likely to encounter English or American forces.
  2. Anglo-American forces (infantry, tanks, aviation) identify themselves with a burst of green signal flares. In addition to flares, Anglo-American tanks are marked with yellow or cherry red fluorescent plates at night and a white five-point star in a white circle on horizontal surfaces of the tank.
  3. Soviet and Anglo-American aircraft are identified with national markings aside from the established flare signals.
I. Stalin."

"April 23rd, 1945

Chief of the General Staff directive #11075

Insignia used by Soviet and Anglo-American forces to identify themselves established by Stavka directive #11073 have been compromised. Starting on April 23rd, the following signals will be used:
  1. Soviet forces (infantry, tanks, aviation) identify themselves with a burst of white signal flares. In addition to flares, Soviet tanks are marked with white triangles on the left and right side of the turret, and the turret roof.
  2. Anglo-American forces use the same signals as before.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I know artillery or AT units wouldn't be expected to meet the western allies, but were they given any rules for identification purposes?
