Friday, 20 November 2015


"Decree of the State Committee of Defense #3289ss
Moscow, Kremlin
May 5th, 1943

On the issue of increasing the firepower of tanks and SPGs.

In connection with the actions described in decree #3187ss issued on April 15th, 1943, the State Committee of Defense decrees that:
  1. The NKV (comrades Ustinov and Grabin) and NKTP (comrades Zaltsmann and Kotin), factory #9 (comrade Gonor) and Kirov factory (comrade Dlugach) must design blueprints, produce, and install an 85 mm gun with ballistics identical to the existing AA gun into two KV-1S tanks and two experimental IS tanks, and deliver them for government trials by July of this year. The commander of the Armoured and Mechanized Forces of the Red Army (comrade Fedorenko) and GAU chief (comrade Yakovlev) must perform trials and deliver their conclusions to GOKO by July 10th of this year.
  2. The NKV (comrades Ustinov and Grabin) and NKTP (comrades Zaltsmann and Kotin), factory #9 (comrade Gonor) and Uralmash (comrade Muzrukov) must design blueprints, produce, and install 85 mm guns with ballistics identical to the existing AA gun into two SU-122 SPGs and deliver them for government trials by July 1st of this year . The commander of the Armoured and Mechanized Forces of the Red Army (comrade Fedorenko) and GAU chief (comrade Yakovlev) must perform trials on the "SU-85" and deliver their conclusions to GOKO by July 10th of this year.
    UZTM drector comrade Muzrukov must send intermediates to factory #9 to produce experimental 85 mm guns to be fitted into the KV-1S, IS, and SU-85.
  3. Factory #9 (comrade Gonor) and Uralmash (comrade Muzrukov) must prepare for production of an 85 mm tank gun and SPG gun without awaiting results of trials.
  4. NKV (comrades Ustinov and Grabin) and NKSM (comrades Akopov and Slonimskiy) in cooperation with the commander of the Armoured and Mechanized forces (comrade Fedorenko) and GAU (comrade Yakovlev) must provide GOKO with conclusions regarding the 76 mm SPG proposed by TsKB and NATI.
Chair of the State Committee of Defense, I. Stalin."

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