Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Diesel Engine, Take One

"May 31st, 1937
To the Head of the 1st Main Directorate of the NKOP, comrade M.M. Kaganovich
To the Head of the 8th Main Directorate of the NKOP, comrade K.A. Neiman
To the Head of the Planning Directorate of the NKOP, comrade V.A. Levin
To the Acting Director of factory #183, comrade Lyash

In order to unconditionally launch an experimental batch of the improved BD-2 (400 hp) engine and deliver them to state trials no later than October of 1937, I propose the following:
  1.  The Head of the 8th Main Directorate, comrade K.A. Neiman, and Acting Director of factory #183, comrade Lyash, are to manage the production of an experimental batch of 10 engines at factory #183 with aid from aircraft factories, consisting of consultation and partial cooperation for parts that cannot be built at factory #183, on agreement from the Head of the 1st Main Directorate of the NKOP, comrade M.M. Kaganovich. 
  2. As it is necessary to supply factory #183 with relevant specialists, comrade Neiman is to reach an agreement with comrade Kaganovich regarding sending the required number of specialists from aircraft factories to work at factory #183.
  3. The Head of the Planning Directorate of the NKOP, comrade V.A. Levin, must supply factory #183 with a sum of 8 million rubles for the housing for the workers and tooling for production of diesel engines.
  4. Acting Director of factory #183 comrade Lyash and the designer of the diesel, comrade Chelpan, are personally responsible for the timely completion of the BD-2 design and delivery to state trials.

Via Yuri Pasholok.

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