Saturday, 28 February 2015

Two Years of Blogging

Another year gone by, and what a year! My total page views have grown from 387,261 to 879,901, or by nearly 500,000 this year (an average of 1349 views per day this year), with 700 published articles (or 341 this year). The demographics remain roughly the same: US at first place and Germany in second. The United Kingdom moved up from fourth place to third, pushing down Poland. Canada remains in fifth place. A newcomer, France, took sixth place, with Finland, Australia, and Russia shifting down. The Netherlands remain in tenth place, while Korea that used to be in ninth dropped off the charts.

World of Tanks related resources remain my main source of traffic, with Company of Heroes falling in relevance, overtaken by War Thunder as my second biggest fans. Military history enthusiasts from Russian and English language communities continue to be a source of traffic as well. In addition to guest articles on FTR, I wrote an article for a more generalist gaming website The Mittani, and will be writing more in the future. I also gave an interview to Tank and AFV News, which is a website I heartily recommend to all fans of modern or historical armour.

In addition to non-interactive content, I added a penetration calculator utility, which is sure to come in handy.

Here's to another wonderful year!


  1. Congratulations. I read your blog daily and is great, as you allow thousands of people to access Soviet documents which would be difficult to translate otherwise. Well done and I will look forward to more posts.

  2. Congratulations and to many more years.
